There are several ways you can pay your bill. Find out about the options available and what suits you best. If you have a business account, you can also pay using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Pay Online

Paying your bill online is easy. We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express, remember to have your bill handy as you will need your account number and the bill amount. When paying by credit or debit card, transaction fees may apply — you will be advised at the time of payment.


BPAY enables you to pay a variety of bills by phone or online banking. To use BPAY, phone your financial institution or log into your online banking and follow the prompts, you will need our biller code 8805, and your Water Corporation account number to make a payment.

Please note Water Corporation is a 'variable BPAY biller' which means you will have to enter your account number every time you pay your bill. This was introduced to reduce the number of ongoing BPAY payments made to incorrect accounts in error.

Direct debit

Direct debit is an easy and convenient way to stay on top of your bills. You can choose to set up automatic payments when your bill is due, or make regular instalments weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Learn more about setting up a direct debit.


Credit card payments can be made over the phone at any time. We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express - transaction fees apply. Call us on 1300 366 067. Remember to have your bill handy as you will need your account number and the bill amount.

Australia Post

Payments can be made in person at any post office. You can pay by cash, cheque or EFTPOS from a savings or cheque account.

Electronic fund transfer for businesses

If you own a business and make payments on a regular basis, EFT payments make it easier, safer and faster to pay your bills.

Log in to your online account and go to Bill & payments then select 'Set up EFT'. You will be directed to My Water to set up your EFT payments.

Need help paying your bill?

We're here to help if you need a little support to pay your bill. Find out about the different payment support options available, to make paying your bill easier.