Service charges are fixed annual charges for the financial year. The total amount is distributed over your 2 monthly bills. However, you can pay your service charges in full for the financial year.

This means only your water use charges will be included in your 2 monthly bills and we’ll send you a separate service charges bill.

Please note: there is no discount or additional fee for prepaying your service charges. We offer this as an alternative so you can manage your bills in a way that’s convenient for you.

You can prepay your service charges for the next financial year or pay the outstanding amount for the current financial year. Find how to arrange this below.

Household account

To pay in full for the current financial year, log in to your online account and select 'service charges frequency' on the 'My Account' tab, then choose yearly. We will send you a bill for the outstanding service charges within 2 working days.

Business account

Log in to your online account, select the 'Manage' tab, and then go to 'Manage billing'.

Next, scroll down to 'Property billing & charges'. Use the table to select 'Yearly' under 'Service charges frequency'.

When you choose to pay yearly, we'll send you a bill including the remaining service charges for the current financial year.

Your service charges for the property will remain set to 'Yearly' unless you change your preferences. This means that you'll receive your service charges bill at the start of each financial year. The bill will include the new financial year’s service charges.

Prepaying your service charges

Please contact us if you would like to prepay your service charges for the next financial year.

If you choose to prepay, we’ll send you your service charges bill in July. The bill will include the new financial year’s service charges.

Log in to my online account


You can change to 2 monthly payments at any time in your online account. If you have already paid your service charges for the current financial year, we will credit your account and send you a bill for the next 2 months. Following that, you will receive your service charges along with your 2 monthly water bills.