When you buy or sell a property, the water at the property remains connected. We can update the account with the new owner/s details when settlement is completed.

The process varies depending on if you’re using a settlement agent or doing your own settlement. Choose from the relevant options below.

If you’re using a settlement agent you do not need to contact us. The settlement agent will inform us of the sale or purchase details and organise a final water meter reading on your behalf to finalise charges. This will ensure you are only charged for the water that you used, the charges are then settled/paid through your settlement agent.

If you are doing your own settlement without the help of a settlement agent, you will need to organise a final meter reading by calling us on 13 13 85 and follow these steps to complete the settlement.

Step 1: Obtain an ‘Advice of Sale’ form

You can get a copy by either:

  • Calling us on 13 13 85 and we will post the form to you
  • From the Office of State Revenue

There are 4 parts to the form:

  • The first part is ours
  • The second part is for the Office of State Revenue
  • The third part is for your local council
  • The fourth part is for your own records

Step 2: Make contact

Contact each authority to determine the relevant processing fee and payment method as payment needs to be submitted with the form. Our manual advice of sale fees are:

  • Standard (5 working days special meter reading) – $32.11
  • Urgent (2 working days special meter reading) – $44.62

Step 3: Submit the relevant forms

Send each of the copies with the required payments to each of the 3 authorities, as follows:

  • The Water Corporation 
  • The Office of State Revenue
  • Your local council



If you are a pensioner or senior you will need to re-apply for your concession at your new property.

To arrange this you can apply online or call us on 1300 659951.

If you are renting a property owned by the Department of Housing, please speak to your accommodation manager regarding your water use concession.